Development of Organizational Leadership in the Implementation of Comprehensive Leadership Pipeline towards Organization
Leadership Development, Skill-Based, StudyAbstract
This research examines the potential for leadership development through the creation of comprehensive leadership
channels within organizations. By highlighting training elements that focus on the skills required for success in a
leadership role) and succession planning (i.e., the creation and implementation of long-term plans that address
changes in top leadership roles) as two distinct organizational initiatives. The method in this research is to combine
the concept of Real Option Reasoning (ROR) with a skill-based leadership model. An in-depth study of the
implementation of Comprehensive Leadership Pipelines (CLP) as an alternative to developing a leadership model
is also reviewed in this study. The conclusion of this study is that by adjusting succession planning policies to
outreach organizations according to the ROR pillars, it is possible to create CLPs that simultaneously lower
turnover, increase the likelihood that employees will be in the right place at the right time, and reduce the risks
associated with large investments. on employees. Given the need for organizations and individuals to assist in the
selection of employees for appropriate leadership skills-based training, companies can make better and less risky
decisions when selecting organizational leaders.
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