Relationship Quality and Cost-to-Serve as the Key of Building Customer Value


  • Miftahurrohman Miftahurrohman niversitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer
  • Hendri Rasminto Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer
  • Pemilia Sulistyowati STIE STEKOM Surakarta
  • Risma Nurhapsari STIE STEKOM Surakarta


Customer Value, Cost-to-Serve, Relationship Quality, Margin Contribution


This study examines the creation of Customer Value with the supporting variables Relationship Quality and Cost-
to-Cost as variables that can affect value. Customer Value for the company in building relationships in the future.
This research takes companies that supply fabric dyes to textile companies by conducting interviews via email
and in-person interviews. The method used is to examine qualitatively and quantitatively. In qualitative research,
it examines the costs incurred which have a correlation with customer service and the estimated actual costs for
individual services. Furthermore, quantitative measurements are carried out to check the quality of RQ,
profitability from past customers, Customer Lifttime Value (CLV) by presenting the proposed framework. In the
final section, an evaluation of the effect of RQ on CLV is carried out which results in the conclusion that RQ has
an effect on driving customer costs and profitability in the future.


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