Maintaining Organizational Sustaincapability Towards Management Innovation Using Strategic Foresight


  • Wimber Jerry Panjaitan STIE STEKOM Surakarta
  • Erlinda Sholihah STIE STEKOM Surakarta
  • Iwan Koerniawan Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer
  • Myra Andriana Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer


Innovation Management, Strategic Foresight, Managerial Cognition, Dynamic Capability


This study aims to examine the role of Strategic foresight and its capability to support the development of
management innovation processes within organizations. This study uses a narrative literature review approach
involving potential interactions of three main topics, namely: strategic foresight, management innovation, and
management cognition. The research findings explain that every individual has a character from birth to being
able to see the future. Then the capability for foresight in this organization must be developed and continuously
maintained by both stakeholders in the organization's management and employees. Before implementing a
foiresight strategy, it is necessary to understand in depth managerial cognition as the basis for its application.
Furthermore, the development of a well-managed strategic foresight will become a management innovation so
that it can maintain the sustaincapability of the organization. This conceptual paper lays a foundation that can be
used as further research in determining strategic foresight abilities in relation to managerial dynamic abilities. The
results of this paper can be used by organizations with a long history of facing challenges in capturing the
challenges of changing business environment in the future.


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