Governance in the Digital Era: Analyzing the Adoption of E-Government Services in Local Authorities Through Quantitative Methods
E-government Adoption, Local Authorities, Digital Infrastructure, TAM, Public Trust and Digital LiteracyAbstract
The rapid digital transformation has significantly impacted public governance, particularly through the adoption of e-government systems. While numerous studies have highlighted the benefits of e-government at the national level, attention to its implementation at the local authority level remains limited. Local authorities face unique challenges, such as limited technological infrastructure, inadequate staff competencies, and varying levels of public trust. This study aims to identify the key factors influencing e-government adoption at the local level and evaluate its impact using a quantitative approach. Data were collected from 150 local authorities in urban and rural areas through structured surveys and analyzed using multiple linear regression. The study’s results indicate that digital infrastructure has the strongest influence on e-government adoption, with a regression coefficient of β = 0.45 (p = 0.001). Staff competency (β = 0.35, p = 0.015) and public perception (β = 0.25, p = 0.045) also significantly contribute to adoption levels. Together, these three factors explain 65% of the variance in e-government adoption (R² = 0.65). These results align with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which identifies perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness as key determinants of technology acceptance. This study contributes to the existing literature by focusing on the context of local authorities and providing empirical evidence on how infrastructure, staff competencies, and public perceptions influence e-government adoption. The results underscore the importance of improving technological infrastructure, investing in staff training, and promoting digital literacy among the public to accelerate digital transformation at the local level.
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