The Influence Of Compentence, Organizational Commitment, Quality Of Work Life On Organizational Citizenship Behavior In The Tourism Service Of West Java Province


  • Abdul Fatah Serang Raya University
  • Syamsudin Syamsudin Serang Raya University
  • Ratu Erlina Gentari Serang Raya University


Competence, Organizational Commitment, Quality of Work Life, Organizational Citizenship, Behavior


This research aims to find out how big the influence is Competence, Organizational
Commitment, Quality of Work Life on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. This research uses quantitative
methods with questionnaire data collection techniques. The population and sample in this research were 5 6
employees using a saturated sampling technique method. Data collected using a questionnaire and analyzed
using SPSS V.22. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that: 1) there is an influence on the
Competency variable on organizational behavior (OCB) because t count > t table. 2) there is an influence on the
variable Organizational Commitment on Organizational Behavior (OCB) because t count > t table. 3) there is an
influence on the Quality of Work Life variable Against organizational behavior (OCB) because t count > t table 4)
there is a simultaneous positive and significant influence between Competence, Organizational Commitment,
Quality of Work Life on Organizational Behavior (OCB) because f count > f table.


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