Comparative Analysis of Business Income Levels Before and After Having A Halal Certificate Small Entrepreneurs in Serang City


  • Yuda Supriatna Serang Raya University
  • Amarul Amarul Serang Raya University


Income Business, Before Halal Certificate, After Own Certificate Halal


Study This aim for analyze comparison is there Analysis comparison level income business before and after own halal certificate for entrepreneurs small town in Serang City. Research result This expected can made reference by stakeholders policy especially related ones with internal halal certificate do socialization to entrepreneurs small, so the program is medium run by the government on a halal certificate program in frame increase quality and consumers' sense of security. Research methods used is method comparative that is compare second variable the results study with the "Paired samples test" test is known sig.(2-tailed) value is of 0.004 < 0.005, and value tcount 3,246 > t table 2,086. With thereby can concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Which mean there is the average difference between turnover perpetrator business before and after own halal certificate. Finally study This expected give contribution to the perpetrators businesses and also institutions related especially those who handle field business small and medium.




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